12/10/23 - Pulled out large side planks and screwed 2 of them to the framework
13/10/23 - Screwed the other 2 large side planks on.
(Worked mainly on the first hull on the 12th, 13th & 14th)
15/10/23 - Cut down the planks to the same height as the V section in the back and Cut out the V section and clued it to the side planks. Started Glueing the side flare.
17/10/23 - After work trimmed the nose of the boat down to the proper shape.
Few other jobs popped up - like work & connecting garden to water tank, installing the fish finder for when we have a week away & getting the fishing gear ready.
22/10/23 - Started laying up the fibreglass for the back keel section.
23/10/23 to 1/11/23 - Time off - went to Rainbow Beach with an Aunt and Cousins - caught lots of winter whiting, played cards (Trev didn't) and in general had a good break.
2/11/23 - Dry fitted more foam planks.
3/11/23 - Pulled off foam planks, fixed the fibreglass piece at the tail end and started planking out the boat glueing each plank and screwing to frames.
5/11/23 - Glued more planks
6/11/23 - Trev's jigsaw trick - making planks fit in the very top of the mould.
7/11/23 - Fitted more planks.
8/11/23 - Finished Planking.
9/11/23 - Trev did some sanding and a bit of bogging - we did a bit of a furffy when we screwed the strapping in between the frames and created a raised section which meant we needed to do a bit of filling before we fibreglassed.
10/11/23 - More sanding and bogging.
12/11/23 - Finished Sanding and cut out fibreglass & peel ply ready to start fibreglassing.
13/11/23 - Fibreglassed Nose, Side Rails/Cove & Back Flat V Section with 400 Uni & 600 DB. Cut out fibreglass & peel ply ready for the lower back sections.
14/11/23 - Fibreglassed Lower Sides at Back with 1150 triaxial. Prepared all fibreglass for tomorrow - Doing the back top right through to the front.
Set up trestles & taped up for any drips.
15/11/23 - Bogged edges first, then fibreglassed the back section, had morning tea (packed a little picnic basket), then continued to the front. Started at 6:30 done by 12noon.
16/11/23 - Trev sanded the edges that went over the top ready to fibreglass the other side. Taped up for the drips by pulling back the pee ply - shifted the trestles.
17/11/23 - Cut 600 DB for the bottom and had a bit of a clean up - Away for a few days.
22/11/23 - Fibreglassed other side - from 8 to 2 ish - long time when your a bit tired.
23/11/23 - New helpers. Deb & Cooky. Peeled back peel ply and sanded edges ready to do layup along the top (bottom of the boat) 2 x 600 DB & 1 of Kevlar all wet on wet. Marked where the layers were to line up, bogged edges and fibreglassed from 10am to 2pm. So much easier with 4 people. Super grateful for the help.
24/11/23 - 400 DB on th back V Section, and on the back half of the rails on each side and 600 DB on the front half of the rails on each side.. Once again job made easier with the. extra help. Thanks Deb & Cooky 🤩
Boat now ready to sand & fair.
26/11/23 - Sanded boat all over due to extra resin - wrinkles. Started to put on fairing compound.
27/11/23 - Started sanding the fairing
28/11/23 - Finished Sanding what was faired. Had to re-shape the back V section by bogging it to form the sharp edge again instead of rounded. It was rounded off to fibreglass.
29/11/23 - Fairing not cured - so no sanding today.
30/11/23 - Sanded boat - hard yakka. 8am to 12 noon and about 3/4 done. We had a bit of amine blush again and had to wash with warm soapy water to remove it to be able to sand. Trev finished the sanding in the afternoon.
1/12/23 - We went fishing 🎣 in the morning. 20-30 undersized. 4 keepers thanks to Trev. Did a bit mor patchwork fairing on the boat in the afternoon.
3/12/23 - Sanded
4/12/23 - Re-bogged most of the boat. Needs roughly 3 layers of fairing compound. Hurt my back trying to clean house and shift furniture around so that has put me out of action for a while.
5/12/23 - Trev took me to Chiro then sanded quite a bit in the afternoon.
6/12/23 - Trev up early to finish sanding before power outage today at 9am.
7/12/23 - Bogged Small Coves on the V Section. Bogged Cove on the Rails. Put Big Cove Framework in the side, levelled & screwed a board along the front to hold in place ready to put the foam planks on.
8/12/23 - Prepped foam planks ready to foam out the cove. Sanded cove edges and taped the framework.
10/12/23 - Started to plank cove and fibreglass those two planks to the flair for extra strength when removing off framework.
11/12/23 - Finished planking cove with a little help from myself and a big help from our friend Alan. Thank you Alan - really happy you came to visit 😅. My back wasn't liking it at all.
12/12/23 - Sanded and put a layer of fairing compound on the large cove before we fibreglass.
13/12/23 - Sanded all of areas that had the fairing compound - Large cove and small coves as well. Fibreglassed the large coving with 400 Uni & 2 x 400 DB.
Completed the layup on the flared section to the large cove with 600 DB. Fibreglassing on the outside of this hull is now completed. 🥳
14/12/23 - Peel ply removed from large cove and fairing started.
15/12/23 - Sanded cove and re-faired again in the afternoon.
16/12 to 20/12/23 - Few days off to visit family in Newcastle before Christmas, A Couple of days at work. A funeral and grocery shopping. Started Cutting Steel for the trolleys.
21/12/23 - More cove sanding & prep work for the trolleys plus a bit of gardening catch up.
22/12/23 - Besides the lawns getting done, Trev finished sanding the cove and cut the fibreglass read to do the cradles for the trolleys.
23/12 to 25/12/23 - Family time and Christmas.
26/12/23 - Fibreglassed the Cradles
27/12/23 - Went fishing in the morning. 🎣. Then placed the trolleys on top of the boat over the fibreglassed cradle sections ready to tack weld the metal supports & fibreglass the frame to the cradle.
28/12/23 - Tack Welded the metal supports on. Fibreglassed the framework to the cradle section. After lunch lifted one of the trolleys off the boat.
29/12/23 - Had an extra hand to lift the other trolley off. Bit too heavy for just two of us. Trev gave them a trim up today and finished welding the supports.
Little bit of prep work now to be done to clean the hull ready to give it 4-5 coats of epoxy. After that above the waterline will get painted with undercoat and the waterline and below will get 4-5 coats of anti-foul then off this one will come.
Once off the framework/mould the hull will go on its side to fibreglass inside, flipped over to the other side and fibreglassed, then set upright into the cradles.
We will then complete the fibreglassing in the very bottom of inside the hull on both of the hulls. Looking forward to having them both completed to this stage.
02/01/2024 - Cut boards to put across the hull in preparation to lift hull off. Trev likes to play little games where he mocks up things to see what it will look like. This can be household furniture or cardboard boxes. Today at least it was in the shed not the house and he was working out the back of the boat and the steps leading up to the cockpit.
03/01/2024 - Vacuumed boat, taped up & wiped over with acetone ready to start the 5 coats of epoxy. First coat started at 10:30am and finished with the 5th coat at 9:36pm. Long day with up to 2 hours between coats.
04/01/2024 - Epoxy not cured for some reason so we went fishing. We generally have a fishing competition on the 31st December but it wasn't a nice day for it plus we had family home for the holidays.
05/01/2024 - Epoxy was still tacky on the hull but the cove only had 2 coats and was good to sand. Sanded Cove then played little games with the bulkheads and their locations on the cove. We have to grind back to the fibreglass where the uni-directional strips will go from the cove to the bridgedeck. One section 450mm wide the rest 300mm wide.
07/01/2024 - Started washing the boat with hot soapy water thinking that it was amine blush again but it was different. Ended up using scrapers to see if that would remove the soft epoxy and then we were able to sand with 40grit and finish with 80grit sandpaper. In the end we didn't worry about the scraping and just went with the sand papers.
08/01/2024 - Got a fair bit done. Trev also started sanding back where the uni goes from the cove to the bulkhead.
09/01/2024 - Finished sanding hull and the cove tracks for the uni.
10/01/2024 - Trimmed 200mm off the back of the two coves - too long. Taped up hull ready to spray paint the primer undercoat.
11/01/2024 - Painted above the waterline with primer undercoat.
Been an exciting week for us. This is the first 15 metre Chamberlin design to be built. Our designers Kim Chamberlin & his father Robin Chamberlin - Chamberlin Marine, sent through more diagrams this week for the bridge deck and the cabin roof top. After the hulls are complete the cabin top will need to be constructed so that it can be stored in the ceiling of the shed until the bulkheads and whatever else needs to be there for it to sit on are in place. Then it will get lowered down. Before the bulkheads can go in we will make the bridge deck and get that raised into position. It will be exciting to work on something different to the hulls. 😄
Meanwhile a month later - let's do a catch up.
12/1/2024 - Went Fishing 🎣 - Tried out a new lure. Winner Again Trev got 1 Flathead and 1 Whiting - Me 5 Flathead.
14/1/2024 - Sanded the undercoated areas, vacuumed and washed area to be anti-fouled. Drew in the waterline and taped up plastic ready to paint.
15/1/2024 - Had an oncology appointment in the morning and everything is looking good. 🎉🥳. Nothing to see here. When we got back we started putting the anti-foul on at 10am and finished the 5th coat at 6:30pm. Long day but we had breaks in between coats while it tacked off.
16/1/2024 - Trev thought that he would have a clean up in the shed while I was out. One thing led to another and he lifted the boat off the framework, then he thought he could start and remove the framework out from underneath it. Remembered to take a photo but not put the time lapse on. 🤪 so no footage of that little episode in the shed. Once the framework was taken away he then lowered the boat hull onto tables.
Fast forward - had a few trips north and south to attend to senior family members.
23/1/2024 - We turned the boat on it's side
24/1/2024 - Trev started grinding the dags and sanding inside the hull and the cove.
26/1/2024 - Need more supplies of resin and hardener and filler. Road trip north in the ute to pick those up. This coincided with another senior family member visit.
29/1/2024 - Pick up supplies from ATL
1/2/2024 - Trev finished off the sanding and marking where fibreglass sheets will go.
5/2/2024 - Trev up early to bog up in the corners plus a layer inside while still cool.
6/2/2024 - Sanded everything again
7/2/2024 - Patched some areas again with the bog and I cut out fibreglass and peel ply ready for the lay-up. Put timber props on the inside so that we could fibreglass the cove easier with out the timber boards being in the way.
8/2/2024 - Decided to tighten up the pulleys holding the boat up until the timber props were loose then removed them altogether. Did the final bit of sanding
9/2/2024 - Wiped down cove and fibreglassed - done by lunchtime. Decided to do the first four layers in the nose of the hull and the bog up in the front to make the inside layup a little easier on the day. Done by 2:30pm.
12/2/2024 - Fibreglassed inside the hull. Had a much appreciated helping hand from our friend Tim. Thank Tim 😄. Started at 8:30 and done by 2pm. With just a small section in the back to complete.
13/2/2024 - Trev completed the back section and removed peel ply from the fibreglassing we did the day before.
14/2/2024 - We screwed the lifting boards back on. Lifted and rolled the hull. Trev did a little bit of grinding of dags and then sanded plus did a layer of bog or filler.
15/2 to 26/2/2024 - Had a week away fishing at Rainbow Beach/Inskip. Nice winter whiting. Picked up Resin & Hardener on the way home
27/2/2024 - Cut Fibreglass ready for layup
28/2/2024 - Layup done on inside hull.
29/2/2024 - Rolled & set into Cradles. Yay both hulls at same stage.
3/3/2024 - Trev Sanded inside second hull ready to fibreglass in the bottom of the hull.
4/3/2024 - Trev Sanded inside first hull. Then we did the front and the back sections of each hull to make tomorrow an easier day. Hard yakka trying to do the fibreglassing side on with one hand, a roller and a stick. Got prickly legs from the fibreglass. So wearing my sexiest pants for the layups.
5/3/2024 - Worked from 10am to 3pm fibreglassing the internal bottom of one hull.
6/3/2024 - Fibreglassed the internal bottom of the second hull.
8/3/2024 - Marked where the layers of Uni will go for the bulkheads.
Both hulls are now completed and ready for bulkheads and bridgedeck.
10/3/2024 - BIG CLEAN UP. Both in the shed and in the carport.
Had to make room in the carport for items from in the shed. We cleaned out shed and started to put down new black plastic.
11/3/2024 - Went fishing 🎣 5 keepers. T=5 A=9
13/3/2024 - Finished putting down the black plastic. Trev did more grinding to make the areas where the UNI strips go on the hulls wider.
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